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Manifest Your Best Life

Posted on January 22 2020

Hello, Vanessa here!

So given that it's a new year, I thought it would be appropriate to start the year off with the first blog post about "Manifesting your best life."

A couple of years ago I kept hearing everyone talk about the "Law of attraction" and I started to read up on it and then grew so fascinated with the idea of really, truly, manifesting all the things one wants can actually have. I began writing down all my goals and really envisioning my future and creating mood boards for myself around 2014. I quickly realized a lot of the things I had written down were a little naive but it was a learning process. The first year I did it I ended up finding my mood board under my bed after 6 months and realized I had manifested almost everything on my board. But realized that when I wrote some of these things, I didn't truly know what I was asking for. I literally manifested the man I wanted. Well superficially, he was what I wanted but what I didn't realize at the time is that I didn't write down what I wanted in a man internally and emotionally. He of course was physically everything I wanted, but in the end we were on two very different places emotionally. So the following year I gave it another go and began to really perfect what I truly wanted and actually needed in life. I was more wise and far more mature in what future I wanted to create. So let's fast forward. 

It is now 2020 and I am where I want to be with almost everything in life. This year I created a digital mood board on Dec 31st and collected a bundle of images that I really connected with, that really encapsulated where I wanted to grow and evolve in my life. All I did was search on Pinterest for images like "money - photography" or "home decor dreams". I collected over a dozen images in every category of my life I wanted to grow in and photoshopped these images together as a grid and placed it as my desktop image. I adopted this idea from a friend and I think it's brilliant to go digital instead of wasting paper, unless you are using old magazines to create your mood board, then by all means, recycle! But now every time I open my computer up, I see the life I want to manifest and it pushes me even more to achieve these goals. 

The thing about manifesting your best life is one must think, manifest, imagine and put that positivity out there but I also believe the hard work is necessary. You cannot sit back and expect the universe to give you all if you are not willing to give it your all, give it your best, do your part in giving back. I would not be where I am if I didn't work on myself, on my career and so much more. It's been a rollercoaster of a journey but after years of really truly knowing what I want, I believe I have finally come close to understanding how the power of manifestation works. I am now 30 years old, have my beloved boyfriend, a beautiful home, two pups, a thriving business and a balanced life filled with good and bad days. There is always room for growth, but I am in a place where I accept the process, I am patient with growth, I am thankful for what I have and I am willing to do everything in my power to achieve what I have set out to achieve. 

My Idea of a great life is obviously different than others. The key component is to figure out what is a priority for you when you are trying to envision your future, your best life. Is finding love a priority? Is growing in your career your top goal? Do you have a dream bod goal? Or is it more of an inward emotional growth you would like? Either or, find out what it is and place those images bigger on your board and the other details smaller. No goal is too big, no dream is too small, you can really manifest it all and I am happy product of that. 2020 is a magical year, the cosmic energy about this year is strong, take advantage of it! Put all the positive energy towards manifesting your best life, you can really make it happen!  

Much Love,
Vanessa of Wasi Clothing



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    Posted by jpoyENciTeJha | September 02, 2020
  • This is beyond inspiring! Yes, it’s very much about the process of figuring what we want, learning what we want, and taking the right actions — and focusing on what we want, not what we don’t want :)…keep it up! -E

    Posted by EM | April 28, 2020
  • Really nice collection. I would love to support your business and soon too once I am more certain of my job status!

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